The Institute promotes Pastoral Supervision and Reflective Practice through regularly publishing journal and online articles and books. The links beside each publication will take you to Amazon where they can be easily purchased. Further enquiries about publications should be directed to michaelpaterson.ipsrp@gmail.com
Sustaining the Spirit for Service: Supervision in Christian Perspective
by Michael Paterson and Liz Crumlish | IPSRP | 2024
Look Again, Live Again: Supervision across the pastoral disciplines
by Geoff Broughton | 2024
Professional Supervision for Principals: A Primer for Emerging Practice
by Geoff Broughton and Mary Ann Hunter | Cambridge Elements Critical Issues in Teacher Education Series | 2024
School leaders work in increasingly complex systems. Alongside leading learning, they daily navigate the needs and expectations of educational departments, teachers, students, parents, society, and themselves.
Modalities for Group Supervision & Reflective Practice
by Michael Paterson and Liz Crumlish | 8 Mar 2023
The companion volume to Paterson & Crumlish (2022) Group Supervision: Notes for Beginners is offered to encourage group facilitators and group supervisors to develop a wide repertoire of ways of working which makes it possible to individually tailor sessions to those who come.
Group Supervision: Notes for Beginners
by Michael Paterson and Liz Crumlish | IPSRP | 2022
This introductory guide identifies the pitfalls, dynamics and wisdom of a practice which amplifies vision and harnesses the energy of groups in the service of the common good. This book will be of use to supervisors, supervisees and indeed anyone who is curious about behaviours and dynamics whenever groups meet.
Pastoral Supervision: Creativity in Action
by Michael Paterson and Liz Crumlish | IPSRP | 2021
This book explores the supervisory relationship and the supervisor process and offers ways of bringing supervision alive through the inclusion of art and imagery, sound and music, embodiment and movement, drama and role work, language and story.
A Practical Christology for Pastoral Supervision
by Geoff Broughton | Routledge | 2021
This book sets out a Christological framework for developing and delivering pastoral supervision. Pastoral supervision is a key consideration for any denomination, congregation, or faith-based organisation, so this is a vital resource for well-being for clergy, chaplains, and a wide array of pastoral workers.
Two Grains of Wheat: The Manywaters Trilogy Book 1
by Bob Whorton | 2021
Addiction, shameful obsession, loss and breakdown: these are the painful experiences of Tara and Steven, the warden of a community and a hospital chaplain. This novel traces their individual spiritual journeys until they meet at the Manywaters community house at Easter time.
Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Pastoral Supervision Revisited and Revisioned
by Michael Paterson | IPSRP | 2020
This book charts twenty years of developing thought, writing and practice and re-visions supervision as the intentional dialogue between Soul, Role and Context.
Pastorale Supervisie: Een Handboek
by Jane Leach and Michael Paterson | Gompel & Svacina | 2019
The Dutch edition of Pastoral Supervision: A Handbook, 2nd Edition, with an introductory chapter by Dominiek Lootens.
The Dark Night of the Soul
by Ian Taylor | Ascend 5 | 2019
Rev Ian Taylor explores the ways in which group pastoral supervision can help us see things differently.
Practical Theology in Progress: Showcasing an Emerging Discipline
by Nigel Rooms and Zoë Bennett | Routledge | 2018
This is a book which answers the question ‘what is practical theology?’ with real live examples that are accessible, readable and engaging. Michael Paterson contributes a chapter on Values Based Reflective Practice.
What Counsellors and Spiritual Directors Can Learn from Each Other: Ethical Practice, Training and Supervision
by Peter Madsen Gubi | Jessica Kingsley | 2017
This new edited collection explores the intersection of spiritual direction and counselling/psychotherapy, and the relationship between the two. Lynette Harborne contributes a chapter on ‘Discernment’.
Reflexive Supervision: A Workbook for Learning within and across Professions
by Bobby Moore | 2017
This workbook offers practitioner experiences to open skeptical minds to the benefits of supervision and reflection. Moore introduces his “Process Framework,” a tool for practitioners to process the emotional experiences they endure.
A Handbook of Chaplaincy Studies: Understanding Spiritual Care in Public Spaces
by Christopher Smith | Routledge | 2015
This book explores fundamental issues and critical questions in chaplaincy, spanning key areas of health care, the prison service, education and military chaplaincy. Michael Paterson contributes a chapter on ‘Supervision and Support’
Voices from the Hospice
by Bob Whorton | SCM Press | 2015
Hospice chaplain Bob Whorton takes us deep into the human experience of suffering and waiting by listening to the voices of patients and family members in a hospice; they become our teachers.
Pastoral Supervision: A Handbook; second edition
by Michael Paterson and Jane Leach | SCM Press | 2015
Pastoral Supervision is increasingly sought out by people working in ministry. It offers a safe space to reflect theologically and constructively on pastoral experience. The second edition contains updates and improvements on the original publication.
Enriching Ministry: Pastoral Supervision in Context
by Michael Paterson and Jessica Rose | SCM Press | 2014
This book offers a more detailed and wide-ranging overview of pastoral supervision and its relationship to other disciplines and fields of study.
Psychotherapy & Spiritual Direction: Two Languages: One Voice?
by Lynette Harborne | Karnac Books | 2012
This book explores the similarities and differences between the practice of psychotherapy and spiritual direction and suggests that, whilst there may be distinctions between the two activities, the process is essentially the same.
Reflective Caring
by Bob Whorton | SPCK Publishing | 2011
This book is an invitation to reflect on what happens in our innermost being when we listen to another person in need. The lived experience of a hospice chaplain, dialogues with different parts of the self and an imaginative approach to the Bible are at the heart of the writing.
Pastoral Supervision: A Handbook; first edition
by Michael Paterson and Jane Leach | SCM Press | 2010
Each chapter of this book focuses on a different aspect of pastoral supervision, embedding it theologically and offering rooted examples from the authors’ own practice.