It is the not-me in thee that makes thee precious to me

Geoff is an Anglican priest, Australian pioneer in the field of Pastoral Supervision, Vice President of the Australasian Association of Supervisors (AAOS) and Principal of Pastoral Supervision Australia (ABN: 44361508066)

  • Geoff is an Accredited Supervisor Trainer with the Australasian Association of Supervisors.

  • 2024  Professional Supervision for Principals: A Primer for Emerging Practice. 
    2024  Look again, live again: Supervision across the pastoral disciplines
    2020 A Practical Christology of Pastoral Supervision. London: Routledge.
    2014 Restorative Christ: Jesus, Justice, and Discipleship. Eugene: Pickwick Publications.

  • Geoff teaches supervision for the School of Theology, Charles Sturt University and also the Faculty of Education and Social Work, Sydney University.